UX Strategy + User Research
Link user needs with business goals.
A UX strategy aims to ensure that every touchpoint of a company offers the best possible user experience.
It aligns product development with the needs of customers and unites the teams involved under a common vision. Its application results in products or services that ensure long-term success and efficient product development.
User Research
User research refers to the investigation or research into the needs, behavior and motives of users using various methods in order to gain insights for the development of products or services. It is an essential part of the «User Centered Design Process», in which potential users are the focus of all efforts right from the start.
Clients for whom I have developed a UX strategy
- Burckhardt und Partner (one of the most reputable Swiss architecture studios)
- Lista Office Group (designs and realizes office environments)
- SATW (Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences)
Clients for whom I have conducted extensive user research
- Pestalozzi AG (leading Swiss trading company in the field of steel and building technology)
- Lista Office Group (designs and realizes office environments)
Some clients for whom I have conducted user testings
- Alternative Bank Schweiz
- Biomondo
- Ernst Schweizer AG
- Kanton Bern
- Sipcall AG
Some methods and concepts that I have implemented/applied
- Contextual interviews
- Benchmark analyses
- Best practice research
- Google Analytics and heatmap analyses
- Onpage and online surveys
- Focus group workshops
- Expert reviews and cognitive walkthroughs
- Heuristic Evaluation
- Usability and tree testing
- Value Proposition Canvas
- Personas and User Journeys