The following „User Experience Wheel“ shows us the multitude of factors that influence a user experience. The interactive graphic (it is draggable) is intended to give project participants a quick overview of which areas and factors should be taken into account in a UX development project.
The UX design process is subdivided into six areas, each of which contains six major factors that determine the areas.
The original Magnus Revang UX-Wheel
The original User Experience Wheel was developed by Magnus Revang (*1) in 2007. I found Magnus’ work very inspiring, although I did not agree with his choice of the six most important factors for each area. This is certainly also because more than ten years have passed – half an eternity within UX research.
Also, I didn’t get all the area terms. I know that Magnus was inspired by Peter Morville’s “UX Honeycomb” (*2), but I don’t think this model claims to be the ultimate truth. We now have more sophisticated expressions at our disposal.
For me, „credibility“ is not a summarising area, but a factor for „significance / worth“. And I replaced „desirability“ with the term „hedonic quality“, which was coined by Prof. Hassenzahl (*3).
So I am happy to present a revised version of the UX-Wheel.
A use in own materials and websites is permitted by naming the source including link.
My Sources:
*1: Revang, M. (2007): The User Experience Wheel,
*2: Morvilles, P. (2006),
*3: Hassenzahl, M. (2011) The effect of perceived hedonic quality on product appealingness,
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